

In the Diocese of Montréal, Lay Readers have a very diversified ministry. As such, they truly are Lay Leaders in their Parish and the entire Diocese.


Who are Lay Readers?


Lay Readers are a dedicated group of Christian volunteer men and women licensed by their Bishop to assist in Worship Services. They are present in most branches of the Anglican Church, though their mandates may differ in each National Church and Diocese.

Usually, Lay Readers serve not only in their parish, but also in other parts of their Diocese. The actual ministry done by each Reader depends very much on their own calling, their own gifts and their own parish or diocesan requirements and needs. Lay Readers fill a number of these functions:

  • reading the lessons at church services;

  • leading prayer;

  • leading non-sacramental church services such as Morning or Evening Prayer, Burial of the Dead;

  • assisting ordained clergy during the Eucharist and other sacramental services; chalice bearing;

  • preaching at services;

  • offering ministry to the sick, including visitation, prayers and sometimes even liturgy;

  • taking care of children's education (adult education, Alpha programs, Bible studies, or organizing these  or other programs);

  • organizing and maintaining Prayer groups;

  • providing ministry not only in their parish, but throughout their Diocese according to the needs.


Lay Readers are much more than just readers. In the modern Anglican Church, they truly are Lay Leaders.

Upon being licensed by the Bishop, a Lay Reader automatically becomes a member of the Lay Readers’ Association. At the Annual General Meeting, usually held in May, an Executive Committee is chosen to organise Educational events and run the affairs of the Association.


It is expected that all Lay Readers will make every effort to attend the three events normally held by the association every year (Retreat, Annual General Meeting, and Study Day on the day of Commissioning).


Executive of the Lay Readers' Association

The executive of the Lay Readers’ Association are elected for a one-year term at the Annual General Meeting held yearly in May. They are the people who gather ideas, organize study days, retreats and other events. With the help of the Warden to the Lay Readers, the Executive communicates regularly with all members through newsletters, email and telephone. Please click here for list of the Executive.


How to call us into Service

If a priest is on holiday, or called away from a parish, Lay Readers may be invited to provide services on an interim basis.

To use the services of a lay reader, contact the Rev. Grace Pritchard Burson or Mark Weatherley.
Rev. Burson: warden@layreaders.org
Mark Weatherley: vicepresident@layreaders.org 

Next Events

Saturday September 21, 11:30 – 14:00
 Corn Roast at All Saints by the Lake
Fundraising Event for the Lay Reader's Association
Details here

Saturday September 28, starting at 8:00 a.m. for breakfast
Annual General Meeting
followed by
Workshop on New Church Music
at All Saints by the Lake
Details here